How to stop binge eating

 I’m assuming that if you’re reading this post, you have realized (or in the process of coming to the realization) that you’ve developed a vicious eating pattern.

You stick to your eating plan for most of the day/week…and then you give up and give in to all your indulgences, and more, and more. You lose control and eat way beyond your threshold of pleasure. You eat everything you’ve carefully been avoiding all this time; you mix and match, challenging the dignity of your taste buds. After hours (or sometimes days) you finally stop and start planning your “project come-back”. No more junk food, no more carbs, water with lemon in the morning, and gym every day! Sounds somewhat familiar? If yes, then this tips may help you re-establish a healthy relationship with food.

1. Stop being on a diet
2. Clear your cupboards and fridge
3. Eat more starches and less oil
4. Replace your guilty pleasures with healthy pleasures
5. Find a hobby (not food related)